JUMP TOOPEN API InstructionsGetting Started with You APISPLASHTOP OPEN API FOR V3.32.0oauthImplement token endpointpostuserRetrieve the list of adserversgetRetrieve the list of auth methodgetRetrieve the property of usersgetCreate a new userpostGet the specified user basic informationgetModify the specified user basic informationpatchDelete the specified userspostBulk assign users grouppostgroupGet all managed group listgetCreate a new grouppostDelete the specified groupspostGet the specified group basic informationgetModify the specified group basic informationpatchGet the user list in a specified groupgetGet the computer list in a specified groupgetGet the group managers for a specified groupgetModify the group managers for a specified grouppatchcomputerRetrieve the property of managed computersgetGet the specified computer basic informationgetModify the specified computer basic informationpatchDelete the specified computerspostBulk assign computers grouppostscheduleGet the schedule access information for queryed or all usersgetaccess permissionGet the access permission result for all usersgetGet the specified user access permissiongetModify the specified user access permissionpatchGet the specfied user access permission resultgetGet the access permission result for all groupsgetGet the specified group access permission configurationgetModify the specified group access permission configurationpatchGet the specified group access permission, namely all accessible computer listgetsecurityCreate a rsa public_key dynamicallypostSet encryption keyputVerify encryption keypostsessionDisconnect all the sessions for a specified computerpostpsaCreate a new support ticket token base on an external ticket_idpostModify the specified support ticket token base on an external ticket_idputGet the logs for a specified support ticket base on an external ticket_idgetCreate an internal ticket_idpostCreate a new support ticket token base on an internal ticket_idpostModify the specified support ticket token base on an internal ticket_idputGet the logs for a specified support ticketgetDelete an internal support ticket_iddeleteSPLASHTOP OPEN API FOR V3.28.0oauthImplement token endpointpostuserRetrieve the property of usersgetCreate a new userpostGet the specified user basic informationgetModify the specified user basic informationpatchDelete the specified userspostBulk assign users grouppostaccess permissionGet the access permission result for all usersgetGet the specified user access permissiongetModify the specified user access permissionpatchGet the specfied user access permission resultgetGet the access permission result for all groupsgetGet the specified group access permission configurationgetModify the specified group access permission configurationpatchGet the specified group access permission, namely all accessible computer listgetcomputerRetrieve the property of managed computersgetGet the specified computer basic informationgetModify the specified computer basic informationpatchDelete the specified computerspostBulk assign computers grouppostgroupGet all managed group listgetCreate a new grouppostDelete the specified groupspostGet the specified group basic informationgetModify the specified group basic informationpatchGet the user list in a specified groupgetGet the computer list in a specified groupgetGet the group managers for a specified groupgetModify the group managers for a specified grouppatchscheduleGet the schedule access information for queryed or all usersgetsecurityCreate a rsa public_key dynamicallypostSet encryption keyputVerify encryption keypostpsaCreate a new support ticket token base on an external ticket_idpostModify the specified support ticket token base on an external ticket_idputGet the logs for a specified support ticket base on an external ticket_idgetCreate an internal ticket_idpostCreate a new support ticket token base on an internal ticket_idpostModify the specified support ticket token base on an internal ticket_idputGet the logs for a specified support ticketgetDelete an internal support ticket_iddeleteSPLASHTOP OPEN API FOR V3.26.0oauthImplement token endpointpostuserRetrieve the property of usersgetCreate a new userpostGet the specified user basic informationgetModify the specified user basic informationpatchGet the specified user access permissiongetModify the specified user access permissionpatchGet the specfied user access permission resultgetcomputerRetrieve the property of managed computersgetgroupGet all managed group listgetGet the specified group basic informationgetGet the user list in a specified groupgetGet the computer list in a specified groupgetGet the specified group access permission configurationgetModify the specified group access permission configurationpatchGet the specified group access permission, namely all accessible computer listgetscheduleGet the schedule access information for queryed or all usersgetsecurity/api/open/v1/dynamic_keypostSPLASHTOP OPEN API FOR V3.24.0oauthimplement token endpointpostuserget query or all users informationgetcreate a new userpostget the specified user basic informationgetmodify the specified user basic informationpatchget the specified user access permissiongetmodify the specified user access permissionpatchget the specfied user access permission resultgetcomputerget all managed computer listgetgroupget all managed group listgetget the specified group basic informationgetget the user list in a specified groupgetget the computer list in a specified groupgetget the specified group access permission configurationgetmodify the specified group access permission configurationpatchget the specified group access permission, namely all accessible computer listgetscheduleget the schedule access information for queryed or all usersgetPowered by implement token endpointpost https://user.domain.com/api/oauth/v1/tokenReturns access token base on client credential.